How to make a Detox Blueberry Smoothie for the whole family!
Ever feeling bloated after the family BBQ? So excited to share with you a real detox smoothie that you can enjoy all year around, especially in the summer. Sometimes, it can be a struggle finding quick and easy healthy recipes for you and the kids. This is my absolute favorite smoothie to prepare on busy mornings for you and the kids.
There are a variety reasons why you should start your day with a Detox Blueberry Smoothie. You probably have heard already about all the super antioxidant benefits of blueberries. Each blueberry is rich fiber and protein as well antioxidants. Second, for the moms and dads, it’s also important to get the body fit for the summer season that includes several picnics and that coveted beach party that everyone attends. Third, blueberries are rich in fiber and contribute to adding more fruits to your diet. The USDA recommends about five servings of fruits and vegetables on any given day. Here is a sample USDA chart. Moreover, blueberries tend to hold its form and texture for a decent amount time, if stored in the refrigerator. It’s a great solution as a breakfast meal or add-on to your existing meal plan.
When to drink the smoothie? Seeing as though most moms and dads are most busy in the morning with multiple schedules, this Detox Blueberry Smoothie is best for breakfast. It’s a refreshing departure from heavy proteins such as eggs or bacon. Each smooth is the perfect on-the-go starter for the day because it’s easy, healthy and fun to make. It’s also packed with super powerful antioxidants to jump start any morning on an all-smiles healthy note.
Detox Blueberry Smoothie
1 Avocado
1 Banana
1 cup of frozen organic blueberries
1 cucumber
1 organic carrot
½ cup of spinach
1 cup of coconut milk
1 scoop of Vega One Nutritional Shake plant-based: 20 g protein, 6 grams of fiber
1-2 cups of filtered water depending on your desired thickness
Add an organic apple for more sweetness
Blend all ingredients in the Vita Mix or equivalent on low first for 40 seconds then high for 30 seconds. Makes 2-4 servings.
Peace and Much Love,
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