LOVE THIS NEW Nail Polish but is it REALLY SAFE? The 911 on safer nail polish for the beauty industry.
“Smith & Cult represents the duality we all inhabit throughout our lives and our individual expressions of beauty, which reflect who we’ve been, are and aspire to become. Each shade is inspired by and representative of the experiences depicted in the diary entries of our beauty addicted heroine who sees her world through a lens of color.
Smith & Cult was created by beauty veteran Dineh Mohajer, the voice of our beauty junkie, who revolutionized the color cosmetics industry when she launched Hard Candy. Several years and creative collaborations later, Mohajer is bringing about the next evolution of beauty with Smith & Cult.
Smith and Cult’s Nailed Lacquer consistently delivers both flawlessly smooth coverage and brilliant shine. While custom tailored to provide high performance, the exclusive 5-Free formula is formulated without Dibutyl, Phthalate, Toluene, Formaldehyde, Formaldehyde Resin and Camphor.” – Smith & Cult Website
A study at Duke University and EWG has detected evidence of a common nail polish chemical called tripheynyl phosphate, TPHP in the bodies of every woman who volunteered to paint her nails for the study. The chemical is suspected to have endocrine disrupting chemical capability, meaning it interferes with normal hormone functions. Please google for more details from the nail polish study at Duke University. Well, there is a disconnect her. Smith & Cult is 5-Free but NOT necessarily free of TPHP though. As customers, we have to filter through so many chemicals to get at the essence of the problem of toxins in our beauty products.
So while I am thrilled with the nail lacquer quality and rich texture of Smith & Cult, I was disappointed with the lack of transparency on their website. I tried to dig deeper to find the ingredient list and I could not find it ANYWHERE! Well….ce la vie…it’s better than most nail brands but disappointed that I could not find out whether or not the product is made with TPHP. Unfortunately, our cosmetic laws in America do not require beauty companies to disclose what’s in their products. Personally, I’m calling their beauty headquarters tomorrow to get the answer. Stay tuned!
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