What are some important health statistics you should know?
Detox is a lifestyle. Toxins are everywhere. I am a founding member of the American Society Leadership Circle for the State of Illinois. And, let’s get educated on the body’s natural detoxification process: it’s all through pee, poo and sweat. Consequently, this natural detoxification process cannot function at its peak level at all times. According the American Cancer Society, the lifetime probability of being diagnosed with cancer s 39.3% for men and 37.7% for women, which is a little more than 1 in 3. Twenty-two percent (22%) of deaths in the United States in 2016 were from cancer, making it the second leading cause of death after heart disease in both men and women. However, the silver lining in being more aware of health statistics is that about two-thirds of cancer patient outcomes are preventable through both food and fitness.
Why daily detox changes can have an impact?
My purpose for creating this blog is to make life easier and healthier. Real results take time. I talk about a simple 3-step process in my book too – Recognize. Reset. Realize. The solutions lie in simple choices and small “doable” changes that don’t overwhelm people by asking them to try too much too quickly. Like compound interest rates, these little changes make a big impact over time.
My detox journey was triggered by typical symptoms. Given my high cholesterol levels after the birth of my kids, I needed to take a good detox to cleanse. Since taking the cleanse, I’ve garnered better doctor blood lab reports and maintained my weight for more than five years now. As part of a medical directed solution, I get a phytochemical-filled Detox Cleanse with easy instructions that come with highly effective probiotics blended with prebiotics and enzymes. I’ve watched my gut health improve with better superfoods and better antioxidant nutrients contained within the cleanse. If you are experiencing bloating, sleeplessness, brain fog or heightened stress levels, consider taking this supplemental detox cleanse. This detox cleanse is not available to the general public but I can order this detox cleanse for you or your family member.
How do we make detox easy?
You know about the “D” word. A good “detox” can go a long way. It’s the process of letting go of what no longer serves us. Detox is the elixir against toxins and creates a sense of urgency to fight off toxins. But, how do we make detox easy? One excellent roadmap comes from me, an author, engineer and life coach expert, Dena Dodd Perry. In my detox book, Detoxelicious, I suggest using a triad approach to detoxification – mindfulness, vegan soul food and fitness. To make this detox easier, you can also purchase this time-tested and medical doctor supported 10-Day Detox Cleanse.
What are my easy top lifestyle choices for detoxification for apprehensive exercisers?
- Build-in time in your schedule early in the morning for 20 minutes of strength training then add time as you go. Hydrate with alkaline water often in the morning and throughout your day!
- Eat a big breakfast between 6-9am and stop eating at 6:30pm. Emphasize vegetables and fruits. Occasionally, have a mono meal like spinach or collard greens as shown on the cover of my book. Dig into hummus salads with crunchy beans, tomatoes, bell peppers, celery for breakfast or lunch. No excuses!
- Walk with a friend to pair exercise with socialization and sweat. Or, go to a hot sauna room for just 10 minutes a day to sweat out any impurities. Or, ride a bike while watching TV. Again, a light level of detoxifying sweat is good for your body.
Hope you enjoyed this blog post on the power of detox choices. Please share this link with family or a friend. For more details, you can always email me questions as well. dena@denadodd.com Let’s be “detoxelicious” together.
Contact: dena@denadodd.com
Follow: @denadoddlife @detoxelicious
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