Why do yoga?
1. Yoga restores balance in mind, body and spirit. Balance is the key in everything in life — what we do, think, say, eat and feel. Our organ, respiratory, lymphatic and skin are all major organ systems that require balance (the inhalation with exhalation, yin with yang…rain with sun…etc.) They all require awareness. And, through awareness and breath, we can let go of those things that no longer serves us.
2. It can reduce stress. It’s the dope stress reliever. You no longer need medicine if you practice in every way.
3. Yoga encourages you to learn the truth about yourself at any given moment. Being present, non-judgmental and patient with yourself are key yogic principles.
4. It’s a good workout and great way to get strength training and flexibility. With gentle stretches, you can use yoga as a form of injury prevention.
5. Yoga can ease the pain from injury through breathing technigues.
6. It helps you to sleep better.
7. Yoga can reduce the pain from headaches am lower blood pressure.
8. Improves your posture. It’ll get you in touch with your body senses, emotions, images, feelings.
9. Yoga can take you on a spiritual journey with kindness while getting a good workout.
10. Give you a more peacefule state of mind. Meditation is about paying attention to present moment with intention without judgment.
For an overview of the 8-limbs of yoga, go here.
TO SEE FULL INTERVIEW VIDEO on Star Planet TV, click here. Go to post for February 8, 2017. Thank you for tuning into our Chicago vibing conversation.
Peace and Love,
Founder of Yogashero
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